This year we are excited to start something new in the Conference space for church production teams looking to further their education. On January 24th, 2020, our team here at PTZOptics and the StreamGeeks are going to bring together a list of great worship technology professionals to help further our education on the technology being used in churches around the world. When organizing this event, we had a lot of things to consider. Our team has been to many of the available Worship conferences, which by the way are all amazing! These include the WFX Show, Experience Conference, FILO, SALT and many more.

Worship Summit Live
With Worship Summit live we wanted to create a learning experience that was hyper-focused on Church Production Technology that is making a difference in the worship community. We wanted to bring together folks like Jake Gosselin from Church Front, Will Dogget from Studio to Stage, Dr. Barry Hill the Author of Mixing for God, and of course Dave Dolphin the Practical Pastor. Over the years we have met with each of these amazing speakers and leaders in the church worship space, but we have never been able to bring everyone together into one full day of learning where we can really take away the salient points from their leadership in the space.
After getting with each of these church production leaders, include Seth Haberman the Digital Pastor, we realized that everybody wasn’t going to be able to fly out to a single location to get together. Yes, some of us could make it, but it wasn’t going to be the experience we wanted. So after months of planning, we realized that everybody could come together for a Digital Summit that we could live stream. Jake had the idea of hosting Zoom breakout sessions where folks could break out and meet in smaller groups as the conference was still going on. It didn’t take long to realize that we could host something really special for everyone to be a part of.

Church Production Summit
So that is how the WorshipSummitLive was born. The Summit will happen just after the Christmas Holidays once everyone has had some time to recover. If you have any questions or suggestions along the way please send me an email at [email protected]. Thanks and God Bless!
PS. We have some awesome options for getting a paperback copy of Helping Your Church Live Streaming and Mixing for God on Eventbrite. You can also get a free digital PDF copy of Helping Your Church Live Streaming at this link.